Project: Robert Reid Press box
Location: Hayden, AL
Owner: Blount County Schools
Date Completed: August 2020
Wood framed addition and sheeted existing 2 story press box and bathrooms. Vinyl sided new and existing building. Installed new architectural style shingle roof. Large windows installed for football field viewing. Insulated, hung, taped, finished, painted, walls and ceilings. Installed flooring, interior, exterior doors. Rooms included broadcast radio room, public address announcer room and home and away coaching game viewing rooms. Installed bathroom partitions and accessories.
Graded around building, dug and poured concrete footings and furnished and installed 6’wide galvanized steel stairway with handrails and galvanized steel landing. Poured landing and stair treads.
Formed and poured sidewalks, HVAC unit pads and handicapped parking spots with striping, signage, and parking blocks.
Project was a negotiated job, project finished on time for football season.